Self Flagellation in Ashura

Ashura in Google

Every time I look at Google for the word Ashura or Ashoora, I see lots of bloody photos of people who are flagellating themselves with chains of blades, sword, knife or other sharp metal things! Now the question is that:

Is Self Flagellation in Ashura Legal in Shia Religion?

Is this the truth about Shia and Ashura? That means do all the Shia Muslims flagellate themselves during Ashura? It seems so crazy and unbelievable, since I am a Shia Muslim and I never did it and never see somebody flagellate himself during Ashura in our Shia cities during my life! So why Google shows these Images in its first page and why it never filters them while they contain violent and rough images.
Answer is so clear. Google doesn’t like Shia thoughts to be spread throughout the world. Google is under supervision of Zionists and it is not acceptable for them that Shia, the religion of resistance and the true enemies of Israel (e.g. Hizbullah, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq) have a good face in Google results! So it shows images of Hindu men that believe in No Pain, No Gain and mutilate themselves in Muharram procession!
Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia during Ashura

Most of those people flagellating themselves are Hindu, not Shia. Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia according to Fatwas of their grand Ayatollahs like Imam Khamenei and Aytullah Sistani ( )

ادامه‌ی خواندن


Peace be upon Hossein, O Martyr of Allah

Peace be on you, O Abaa Abdullah, and on those souls who came to your camp to put themselves at your disposal. So far I am alive and the days and nights follow each other I invoke Allah to send blessings on you for ever and ever. May Allah not make my this pledge of close association, physical as well as spiritual, with you the last fulfillment. Peace be on Hussein, and on Ali son of Hussein, and on the children of Hussein, and on the friends of Hussein.[Part of Ziarat Ashura of Imam Hussein]

We are in Muharram, the first month of Arabs. Once upon a time in similar days, in 61 AH, Imam Hussein, the third Imam of Shiites, and his little followers were martyred in a brutally manner.

Hossein (as) is grandson of the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). He was invited by about 18000 people to dethrone the harlot leader, Yazid. But Ebne Ziad the leader of Kufa (a city in Iraq under supervision of Yazid) scared people in a manner that almost all of them returned from their idea and leaved Hussein alone and even fight with him! Finally happened what happened:

Hussein and 72 persons of his followers were against the enemy army of about 30,000 warriors. They were all martyr in a very brutally manner that no one experienced before. Although they were in a place between two rivers but the enemy were closed the path to rivers and they were thirsty for about 3 days. There were some children over there; specially one infant child, Ali Asghar (as) which killed while he was on hands of his father Hossein (as) asking water for him!

Since then each year Shiites mourn for Hussein and his followers at Muharram and specially Ashura the 10th day of Muharram in which AbaAbdellah Al Hussein (as) martyred.

We are waiting for Imam Mahdi (aj) to come and take avenge of Hussein, Insha’Allah.

Imam Mahdi (as): I will lament for you morning and evening and weep for you with tears of blood.

If you are interested in life of Imam Hussein(as) and the battle of Karbala, I recommend you: ::Read More About Imam Hussein (as)::
