Why we require Imam?

  • In everything we need a criteria to find how much our work is correct. We mark something as goal and evaluate our work against it.
  • In every new road we require a leader to help us understanding the road.
  • In every science we need some professionals to teach us new things and expand our knowledge.
Now, what do you think about our religious beliefs? Do not we require a criteria? A leader? A professional? A goal?
If we require, who can be the best leader? Who can guide us in the right way to Allah? Who can set the criteria?
A president or a governor? A pope or a Khalifa? Which one? Did you think about it?
All these people may be good, but they may make mistakes! and if we rely on them as our leader we also may make mistakes because we don’t know when they are going wrong and when they do the correct?
We should select someone which is innocent, never do a mistake and kind to the human. A complete person.
We need an Imam taking our hands and help us towards Allah in the best way, simplest path. And this is the meaning of Serat Al Mostaghim (right path) which we, as Muslim, repeat in each praying.
“WHOEVER dies without knowing the imam of his time, dies the death of Jahiliyya.”
This is a hadeeth narrated from the prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
Jafar ibn Abi Talib has described Jahiliyya like this:
“We were a people in a state of ignorance and immorality, worshipping idols and eating the flesh of dead animals, committing all sorts of abomination and shameful deeds. Breaking the ties of kinship, treating guests badly and the strong among us exploited the weak.”
In this hadeeth the prophet (saw) is warning us. Whoever admits there is no God but Allah, prays 5 times a day, fasts Ramadan, gives zakat and goes on hajj… but dies without knowing the imam of his time… has died as if he was in jahilliya. Someone can be equated with a person of the worst ignorance if he does not know his imam.
KNOWING OUR IMAM is a very important part of Islam, without which our entire identity as a Muslim is lacking.

Good Links: Imamah, Twelver Shia, Necessity of Imam Mahdi

This is a copy from blog Imam Mahdi (aj) : Read Main Article


Who’s Mahdi (AS)

Imam Mahdi

Imam Mahdi
Mahdi (AS) is the 12th Imam of Shia Muslims. He is invisible since 255 Hejri-Ghamari (about 1176 years).

He is alive and will be appeared to spread justice in the earth and destroy the roots of cruelty.

He is descendant of prophet Muhammad (PBUH), He is innocent, He is the complete human, He is the owner of our time, He is Mahdi i.e. “The guided one”.

Many people are waiting for him, but there are a few ones who know him as is.

I love him. I’m praying for his health and appearance.

This blog is to introduce Mahdi to the world, God willing.

This is a copy from blog Imam Mahdi (aj) : Read Main Article


in the name of god

اگر خدا قبول کند، مطالبی پیرامون امام زمان در سایت http://imam-mahdi-aj.blogspot.com/ منتشر می کنم، شاید به درد یکی از این جمعیت ۶ میلیاردی جهان بخورد و یاری به یاران عام امام افزوده شود. این مطالب را در اینجا هم کپی می کنم:
و نرید ان نَّمُنَّ عَلَى الَّذِینَ اسْتُضْعِفُوا فِی الْأَرْضِ وَنَجْعَلَهُمْ أَئِمَّهً وَنَجْعَلَهُمُ الْوَارِثِینَ

And We wanted to confer favor upon those who were oppressed in the land and make them leaders and make them inheritor. Holy Quran, Chapter Qesas, Verse 5


خدا کند که بیایی

میلاد آخرین وصی برحق پیامبر اعظم، حضرت ولی عصر ارواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداء بر همه شیعیان عالم مبارک باشد.

یاد شاعر اهل بیت آقاسی عزیز بخیر، در دانشگاه از نزدیک دیده بودمش، خاکی بود و عاشق. خداوند رحمتش کند:

با همه لحن خوش آوایی ام
در به در کوچه تنهایی ام

ای دو سه تا کوچه زما دورتر
نغمه تو از همه پرشورتر

کاش که این فاصله را کم کنی
محنت این قافله را کم کنی

کاش که همسایه ما می شدی
مایه آسایه ما می شدی

هر که به دیدار تو نائل شود
یک شبه حلال مسائل شود

دوش مرا حال خوشی دست داد
سینه مارا عطشی دست داد

نام تو بردم لبم آتش گرفت
شعله به دامان سیاوش گرفت

نام تو آرامه جان من است
نامه تو خط امان من است

ای نگهت خواستگه آفتاب
بر من ظلمت زده یک شب بتاب

پرده برانداز زچشم ترم
تا بتوانم به رخت بنگرم

ای نفست یار و مددکار ما
کی و کجا وعده دیدار ما…

انشاءالله این آخرین نیمه شعبان قبل از ظهور باشد
