Arbaeen – Largest Annual Gathering is Underway

Dec-2-2015 is Arbaeen of Imam Hussein. I hope this year, western media send some reporters to see what is happening in Iraq during these days. Millions of Shia Muslims are traveling on foot towards Hussain from hundreds of kilometers away; but almost no TV channel or News site talks about it. Why? Because they think that this kind of Islam will change the world and if it is spread around the world and people know Who is Hussain, Capitalism will be diminished and Islam will be extended throughout the world…

Arbaeen Records - Largest gatherin in the world - اربعینSome Records for Arbaeen of Imam Hussein (as):

  • The largest annual gathering in the world (about 20 million pilgrims)
  • The longest continuous dining table (about 500 km)
  • Largest number of people fed for free
  • Largest group of volunteers serving a single event
  • Longest travel on foot (from 80 km to 500km and more)
Arbaeen Records - Largest gatherin in the world - اربعین#Arbaeen2015
See more photos about Arbaeen Here

Self Flagellation in Ashura

Ashura in Google

Every time I look at Google for the word Ashura or Ashoora, I see lots of bloody photos of people who are flagellating themselves with chains of blades, sword, knife or other sharp metal things! Now the question is that:

Is Self Flagellation in Ashura Legal in Shia Religion?

Is this the truth about Shia and Ashura? That means do all the Shia Muslims flagellate themselves during Ashura? It seems so crazy and unbelievable, since I am a Shia Muslim and I never did it and never see somebody flagellate himself during Ashura in our Shia cities during my life! So why Google shows these Images in its first page and why it never filters them while they contain violent and rough images.
Answer is so clear. Google doesn’t like Shia thoughts to be spread throughout the world. Google is under supervision of Zionists and it is not acceptable for them that Shia, the religion of resistance and the true enemies of Israel (e.g. Hizbullah, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq) have a good face in Google results! So it shows images of Hindu men that believe in No Pain, No Gain and mutilate themselves in Muharram procession!
Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia during Ashura

Most of those people flagellating themselves are Hindu, not Shia. Self-flagellation is forbidden in Shia according to Fatwas of their grand Ayatollahs like Imam Khamenei and Aytullah Sistani ( )

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